Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Cold December

It is cold here in Oregon. For the past week we have had off and on snow. Yesterday and today it will not get above freezing. Its not that bad compared to the Minnesota storms Shelby grew up with, but it is bad when it is uneconomical to prepare for the one snow storm every 5 years that lasts more than 4 hours. Translation for all of you in the midwest....NO SALT ON THE ROADS. We are lucky to get gravel on the bus snow routes.

Thankfully we should have a couple days with highs close to 40 degrees, so we should be able to finish the Christmas shopping.

Judah is changing everyday. He has a wide array of vocal noises now and uses them differently in different situations. He is grasping at toys and will pass them back and forth between his hands. We estimate him at 16 lbs now.

Enjoy the photos!

These are the steps to my basement (and laundry room). They are under our covered porch, but were drifted in with snow.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Happy Holidays!
Judah is just over three months old and he's doing great! Thanksgiving went well, he met so many new family and had so much fun that he actually slept through the night that night. The Friday after Thanksgiving Grandma Ellen came to visit. This was also Shelby's first retail-free Black Friday since leaving Best Buy forever :) The following Monday Kate returned to work. Judah and Daddy come to visit Kate on her lunch breaks and its been going well. Judah is laughing more now, able to lift his head for longer periods during tummy time, and is chatting (cooing) up a storm. We are looking forward to Christmas and more time with family.

Grandma Ellen and Judah

Kate's Uncle Ken (AKA Baby Whisperer)

Grandpa Tom always gets a smile

Typical Judah, very concerned

Judah laughing at Grandma Ellen